Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplants in London Harley Street from one of the UK’s leading hair transplant surgeons.

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery innovative, virtually scarless and fast downtime: Hair transplantation by FUE technique is the most popular procedure for men.

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in London

Hair transplantation by FUE technique is the most popular procedure for men. We offer FUE hair transplant surgery in one of the most modern, well equipped, best clinics here in Harley Street London. Our Surgeon is one of the best FUE surgeons in the UK and London. Because FUE is minimally invasive, recovery is fast, and there is virtually no scarring, especially after one procedure, meaning that the patient can keep their hair as short as they want in the future without any scar tissue showing. We specialise in unshaven FUE and in body hair transplants. Body hair is used to help supplement a depleted donor area, Hair is usually removed from the chest or back. Unshaven FUE is suitable for those with long hair at the back which can cover the very limited shaven area. This can save the need for shaving a large area and can be shown in the photos below.

FUE surgery involves the excision of the hair from the donor area following shaving. This can be uncomfortable but your pain is managed by local anaesthetic and we try to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. The time for this stage can vary depending on the number of grafts taken from your donor area. Once a local Anesthetic is administered and the scalp is numb, individual hair follicles/ scalp is numb and the grafts are then extracted manually. These follicles are then grafted/implanted back onto the recipient area via small incisions made by micro blades or 20G needles. Recovery time is incredibly short compared to Strip Surgery, and 90 % of the patients do not require more than Paracetamol for more than 24 hours. Regarding returning to work, depending on the type of work, most individuals can resume their regular work duties a few days after the surgery provided work does not involve any strenuous physical activity.

Benefits of FUE surgery

  • Virtually Scarless
  • No Painful Wounds From The Strip At The Back Of The Head Compared To FUT Surgery
  • Very Quick Recovery Time
  • More Grafts Can Be Harvested And Less Wastage Of Grafts Compared To FUT
  • We Can Use Body Hair Transplants To Provide Hair To Transplant When There Is A Severely Depleted Donor Area.​

Aftercare plan

All patients are provided with an aftercare plan, which explains how to best look after their transplanted hair. In addition, we will be with you for up to 18 months post-surgery. We see this as a personal project to enhance and promote your hair and restore your confidence and looks. Please see details of our daily aftercare plan under patient information on this website.

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

Every journey starts with a expert consultation

Great information from experts helping you make the right decision every step of the way. The consultations with our team have no sales pressure. Our aim is to educate and inform you in making the best decision that feels right. Our consultation process and booking hair restoration surgery/treatments in easy steps. We understand that you need support and time to process the information and to see if the price or cost for the hair restoration or transplant is affordable.

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