Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Hair Transplant

FUT hair transplant requires no shaving and is suitable for those patients with little donor hair and FUT hair transplant surgery is for African heritage curly hair types. This technique means that curly hair is not transacted or damaged during individual extraction. We know that very curly African heritage hair types can have scarring as a result of FUE and therefore this technique is more suitable for them.

FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in London

For many men, there is nothing wrong with being bald, it can be a lifestyle choice, and it is one that some people are very comfortable with. However, for every man happy with his hair loss, there are probably two or three men who hate their thinning and balding head, who resent every glimpse of scalp showing through in the mirror, photos or CCTV, and who would do almost anything to retain and restore hair.

The process of strip hair transplants is a relatively simple one. A narrow strip of skin is surgically removed from an area on the back of the head where hair growth is good, and hair is DHT (male hormone) resistant. The strip of skin is then placed under powerful microscopes, and follicles or grafts are separated from the skin as they naturally occur with great care, precision and skill. These tiny follicles or grafts are then placed, or grafted, into tiny incisions in the recipient area on the scalp.

It is worth noting that FUT will always result into a PERMANENT linear scar at the back of the head, the donor area which most of the times BUT NOT ALWAYS tends to be very narrow and unnoticeable. Patients will have to be prepared to wear hair long enough at the back of the head to conceal scar.

People who are good candidates for this type of procedure are those who cannot or will not want to agree to shave back of the head (which is essential for FUE). It could be a male or a female or anyone who would not like colleagues and friends or family to notice a sudden change in the hairstyle to “Crew Cut” after two weeks when they usually return to work.

After Strip Surgery expect pain in the donor area which is now stitched. Expect to take a good few days off following the procedure, and you will need good and strong pain relief. Your scalp/donor area will be sore/ painful, possibly swollen and tight until the wound in the donor area healed up. Patients may experience a degree of numbness above the scar for an unpredictable period due to interruption of skin nerves.

Very rarely, the grafts do not work, or an infection occurs (as in any surgical / Medical procedure, there are no guarantees of the desired outcome but our surgeon will ensure that you are fully informed of any risk before the operation is scheduled. Do not be alarmed if the transplanted hair falls out, within six weeks of the transplant, new sturdy hair growth should start coming through, and the final results of the transplant can be seen at around 6 to 12 months post-procedure (this is same as in FUE).

FUT surgery consultation

The prospect of being able to grow hair again (by FUE or FUT technique) can be tremendously liberating, boosting confidence and self- esteem – if you don’t like your hair loss or have to put up with comments by others about your hair loss or however your hair loss bothers you why not, contact us today, have a free frank and honest consultation with our Surgeon and see what your options are. We are here to help and do not, entice, incentivise or pressurise patients into treatments.

Aftercare plan

You will be provided with an aftercare plan post hair transplant surgery, which explains how to best look after your transplanted hair. In addition, we will be with you for up to 12 months post-surgery and throughout your hair growth journey to enhance and promote your recovery and restore your confidence and results.

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

Every journey starts with a expert consultation

Great information from experts helping you make the right decision every step of the way. The consultations with our team have no sales pressure. Our aim is to educate and inform you in making the best decision that feels right. Our consultation process and booking hair restoration surgery/treatments in easy steps. We understand that you need support and time to process the information and to see if the price or cost for the hair restoration or transplant is affordable.

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