How much does a hair transplant cost?

How do I know what price to pay for a hair transplant?


How much do the prices vary for a hair transplant?

This is a confusing dilemma for most people as hair transplant costs and prices vary especially if you are looking for hair transplant costs in the UK and London. The prices do vary enormously from £1300 to £10,000. As the procedure becomes more popular the prices are dropping. A hair transplant is a readily available procedure compared to a few years ago. You will notice that new clinics with inexperienced staff are setting up.Some clinics abroad are offering very cheap prices but you should consider the service they are offering before being tempted.You should also consider how many years experience your surgeon has in carrying out hair transplant surgery.


Does a high price mean I am getting a better hair transplant?

Not necessarily. A very high price does not always mean you are getting  a better standard of surgery. If the price is very cheap you should  think of questions regarding why it’s so cheap.


Who will be doing my actual hair transplant surgery?

If your surgery is carried out by hair technicians then it is cheaper. They are not qualified or insured to carry out surgery. In fact it’s illegal for hair technicians to carry out surgery. They offer no guarantee for their work. Hair technicians vary enormously in their quality of work.If a reputable hair transplant surgeon is carrying  out your surgery then you can be sure you are in capable hands. Surgery involves extraction of hair grafts and making new incisions. Find out more about a great FUE hair transplant  surgeon’s qualifications.


How do I decide the price I should pay?

Ultimately the price is about getting a great result that is value for money. Our best advice is to consider all angles when making a decision. You should decide upon who you can trust to carry out this important permanent procedure. The price should be affordable for you and the best quality you can afford to pay.


How do I decide how much to pay for my hair transplant?

Ultimately the decision has to be based on the quality of work the surgeon will perform for you. This depends on his level of experience and how many successful procedures he has carried out. A hair transplant is a permanent procedure and it’s important to get it right as it cannot be redone. Therefore when considering price consider the quality of surgery you will receive. Find out more about prices at Malkani Hair Restoration Institute here.


What about my aftercare?

It’s also important to consider if you will receive aftercare. Aftercare involves a post operative check up with your surgeon. You can review how your surgery is progressing.This is important for your peace of mind and to pick up on any issues and address these as quickly as possible.This should be part of the price package. If you look at  cheap prices for hair transplants they  do not include proper aftercare.The price should not be too low nor too high and your hair transplant should be good value for money. Your hair transplant should be done by someone who is experienced enough to ensure you get the great results you deserve. Find out more about aftercare after a hair transplant.


Do I need a consultation to work out the price for my hair transplant?

Having a face to face consultation is really important. It’s an opportunity to meet the surgeon and discuss the options for restoring your hair. The surgeon can examine your hair and scalp and you can discuss what price restoring your hair will cost. You can also ask questions regarding price during a consultation.A consultation with the surgeon should be transparent so you can see how many grafts you are paying for and how this is been calculated.Contact us in our hair transplant clinic in London to find out more. The price does vary depending on how many grafts you have and the difficulty of the surgery. To research more about how to find the best hair transplant clinic which is value for money read our guide.

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Offering top quality Hair Transplants in London.

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

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