How to find the best transplant clinic- reading google reviews and indicators.

How to find the best hair transplant clinic- reading google reviews and indicators.


How do I find the best hair transplant clinic? You need to be carefully reading Google reviews and indicators to find the best hair transplant clinic. Here’s some great advice on choosing your surgeon based upon your initial phone call to consultation to surgery and then post operative care. If you are reading this blog you are probably at the stage of deciding upon which clinic to book a consultation with. Alternatively, you may be at the stage of narrowing down your hair transplant choices and choosing the right place  that is the best hair transplant clinic for your hair transplant.

It’s always a good idea to consider the following when embarking upon a decision.

Your initial enquiry

The initial telephone enquiry speaks volumes about the clinic. Did they spend time to find out about your enquiry and the nature of your hair loss? A ggod clinic should have given you information about the surgeon.


How long is the actual consultation and who is it with?


This speaks volumes about the approach of the clinic and surgeon. Has the consultation been rushed in half an hour?

Did you meet the surgeon?

What qualifications did the member of the “surgical team” carrying out the consultation say they had?

A good clinic will always arrange a face to face consultation with the surgeon. This should be detailed and informative. It’s all about you and giving you the right information to make the correct decision. Effective consultations start with a detailed medical history form. This is what we do in our Hair Transplant clinic in Harley Street. After filling the form your surgeon should look carefully at this and ask you any relevant questions.

Most consultations that are carried out properly will involve a examination of your scalp and hair. Before and after results of previous patients should be shared and discussed so you can see the skill of the surgeon. You can see some really great  before and after hair transplant photos. The price should also be discussed so that you can compare with other clinics. If you have visited many Hair Transplant Clinics in Harley Street then you can evaluate the services of each one.


The surgeon


If the surgeon is competent and skilled they will be able to make you feel relaxed and confident. Feeling relaxed is a really important thing as you are going to commit an awful lot of money and trust into the surgeon. Consequently a surgeon should be able to talk about their range of procedures and discuss with photos some successful challenging cases that have been successful. You can find out more about the qualifications a great hair FUE transplant surgeon should have


Post operative care


This is really important as the first 48 hours post surgery are crucial in determining the success of your surgery. Therefore a reputable surgeon will be able to provide post operative care and this should be free of charge. Post operative care means explaining your after care regime and routine after surgery has been carried out.

A great clinic will ask to see you post operatively in order to make sure you’re healing well and making good progress.

To conclude; How do I choose the best hair transplant clinic? depends on a multitude of factors.


Google reviews written about the clinic.

How can you use them to help you decide upon a high standard clinic for the best hair transplant?


Google reviews written by you the patients and users of services are the best indicators of how a service is performing. However when reading google reviews you should look at how meaningful they are about the quality of service delivered. Real patients talk about the details of their procedure and how they felt regarding the surgeon.

Do the reviews mention the pre operative care information during the consultation, the surgery day, the patient dignity and care and the procedure itself? Genuine reviews should have a consistency in their content and also a individuality. It’s very difficult to match a genuine review with a fabricated one as each person will write the review in their own authentic style. The content of the review should show a consistency to all the other reviews written by other patients. This will help you to find the best hair transplant clinic.

All these are indicators of the quality of the clinic. We have come across patients who have told us that some clinics post reviews themselves or coerce patients to do so in return for a discounted treatment and a google review. If you read the actual reviews this is apparent as the quality of treatment is not being discussed in these reviews. Sometimes the reviews even mention the post is written by a named member of staff!


How do I make a decision about the best hair transplant clinic?

A hair transplant is a huge step and you want to be in the safest hands. Most importantly, feeling cared about after the clinic has got your money is really important. This is because it speaks volumes about the ethos of the clinic. A reputable clinic and surgeon will want to keep in touch and informed about the quality of your results.Ultimately choosing a suitable surgeon and clinic will depend upon considering all the factors above plus listening to your gut feeling. Therefore the advice is do not be swayed by heavy sales pressure. It’s  about who is the best that you can afford, not the cheapest.

It is really important to check a clinic out and to look at the CQC reports of each clinic you are considering.

Good luck with finding the best hair transplant clinic and surgeon.

Thank you for reading this article ! We look forward to your feedback.

The Clinic Manager

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

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