Is it possible to have a buzz cut after hair transplantation ?

Is it possible to have a buzz cut after hair transplantation ?


Is it possible to have a buzz cut after hair transplantation ? What stage are you post surgery ?

There is not much support or advice after having a hair transplant out there.

Many of our patients ask about this. If you have just had a hair transplant two weeks ago your hair will most probably have been shaved before you had your procedure.You may love this look and you may not like it as you want long hair.

Most probably you are be wanting the hair to look even in length on the sides and top as your sides are be growing.

One of the most frequently requested questions is that hair transplant patients like you now have to now think about is this.What they I do to style their hair in this “in between” stage? Hats will help you when out and about. Ultimately it depends on having a hairstyle that you feel comfortable with for the next three months until your newly transplanted hair grows.


Should I get a post operative review from my surgeon before my buzz cut?

You will be thinking about going back to work with a hairstyle that suits you.

Can you go to your usual barber and ask for it to be cut?If so how long post transplant are you ready for a buzz cut?

In order to answer these questions you need to consider a multitude of factors.

You have to somehow get through this delicate stage. At this point the scabs have fallen away and you need a style to temporarily work with until your new transplanted hair grows. Your hair follicles will be quite delicate in the newly transplanted area.

If you ask your surgeon he will advise that any hair cut depends on how well your scalp is healing post-surgery. At around 3 days on average scabbing and redness should have been healed.You really ought to have a post operative review after surgery. This is to check the healing is going well particularly in the donor area. Your surgeon will advise to see you around 2-4 weeks after a transplant. He will use lenses to check everything is healed and the process is on track. This review is to make sure your grafts have fully shed. The grafts take fourteen days to seal into the scalp so you shouldn’t have a buzz cut before then. Read some great post operative instructions.


Does the buzz cut depend on the type of surgery you have had?

If your  had FUE hair transplant surgery you should have healed in the donor area at 14 days. With FUT surgery the healing will a lot longer and you will have a linear scar at the back.

If you are healed 14 days post surgery you will need to consider that a short cut will show your scars.

You need to consider that a short buzz haircut is down to whether you are self conscious about your transplanted scars showing.

The shorter you cut your hair the more likely it is that scars may be visible for a while.


What can go wrong?

Many hair transplant surgeons are advising that you to not shave your entire head straight after a transplant. It is worth remembering that the razors and clippers in a barbers shop are not sterile. If you have any scabbing or raw skin then non sterile instruments can cause an infection. This can spoil the results of a hair transplant especially if in the transplanted area.


Can I have a buzz cut after surgery?

Yes it is possible to have a buzz cut but only when everything is fully healed. This will be around the four week mark post transplant.

In the interim if you are desperately trying to sort out a in-between hairstyle you can also use scissors to trim the sides of your hair.

If you want  to find out more please contact us. We are experts in hair transplants in Harley Street and we are happy to advise on all aspects post hair transplant surgery. Our clinic is very convenient for those seeking a hair transplant in London.

Our post operative surgery care advice is downloadable on the patient information section of our website.


The Clinic Manager

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

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