What is the best kind of Hair Transplant FUE or FUT?

What is the best kind of hair transplant FUE or FUT?

There are two kinds of hair transplant commonly known as FUT and FUE and there are many clinics in London Harley Street and the UK which offer both types of hair restoration procedures. You are wanting to find the right procedure for you and the best hair transplant surgeon and clinic that will restore your hair. You want honest advice, great results and the best price for a hair transplant that will restore your hair for many many years so you look good and feel great.

What is FUT Transplant?


The former FUT involves taking a strip of skin from the back of the head. The  individual hairs are separated  and replanted  in your balding or recipient areas. This is the only procedure available a decade ago. It is suitable for those don’t want unshaven FUE. This procedure is very painful and the healing time can take a few months. Patients feel the area where the strip has been taken from at the back of the head for quite a few months.The area does feel tight where the strip is removed. This procedure leaves a linear scar at the back of the head. This is permanent and if you wish to have a shaved hairstyle the scar is visible for life. Find out more about FUT hair transplant.

Why can sales people promote FUT?


These are extremely important considerations to think about.Many companies with middle men offer a cheaper price for a hair transplant using the FUT technique. However be warned of the problems associated with this procedure!


What is FUE procedure?


The is short for follicular unit extraction. Each graft is extracted individually by a qualified expert FUE surgeon. The hair is shaven for this technique.There are three stages;

  1. Extraction of hair grafts from the donor area at the back of the head. This is with a motorised device or manually.
  2. The making of incisions in the balding or recipient area.
  3. Insertion of grafts into the recipient area. This is carried out by hair technicians. Research shows that hair grafts die after ten minutes when out of saline during this phase. This is why it’s important to have fast well qualified fast hair technicians to carry out this stage as quickly and effectively as possible without damaging the grafts.

Will FUE leave scars?


The short answer it leaves very tiny scars which are not easily visible with the naked eye. An expert FUE surgeon extracts grafts evenly so they are not visible when the hair grows back in the donor area. If you have your procedure with a good surgeon there should be no visible scarring. Find out more about FUE hair transplant surgery.


What are the advantages of FUE over FUT technique?


FUE technique is virtually scarless and has a fast recovery time. Most people are up and pottering around the house the following day.There is very minimal pain after surgery. Some people experience a slight headache for the following day. Paracetamol alleviates this easily. FUE technique  leaves no linear scar nor any sensation of pain or discomfort in the donor area.


What is best FUE or FUT?


To summarise FUE is the procedure of choice for most people.Should you need another procedure if you have FUE technique there will be no tightness of the skin where the FUT strip has been taken. Having a top up procedure in later years is very easy with FUE technique as you are not disturbing the skin at the back of the head by surgically removing a strip of skin.Contact us to find out more in our hair transplant clinic London.

Thank you for reading this article. To research more about how to find the best hair transplant clinic which is going to look after you  read our guide here.


The Clinic Manager

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

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