When will my hair grow after hair transplant surgery?

You have taken the brave decision to have a hair transplant after much consideration and thought.

When will my hair grow after hair transplant surgery? After the procedure you are probably thinking that you would see your newly transplanted hair growing thick and fast.However this is not the case. Should this lack of hair growth be something you should worry about? You can bet that many hair transplants clinics will not want to discuss this worry. The reason is because they don’t want to be open and honest about what happens in the process of hair growing after surgery. We believe in openness and honesty as we are leading authority in Hair Transplant Surgeries. We have carried out over 3000 successful surgeries. This experience means we are able to advise patients on the whole cycle of what happens and what to look out for if things have gone wrong.

Why is my hair not growing after hair transplant surgery?

Here are some important facts to consider before you get worried.

How long ago was your hair transplant?

This is a very important question as the time is a very important factor in deciding if you are right to be worried.

In order to decide this you need to understand the stages of growth after a hair transplant.


How quickly does hair grow after a hair transplant?

There may be reasons why your hair is not growing after surgery. Straight after surgery you can see your newly transplanted hair. In the next two weeks you will see it shed and fall out. This is not always the case and some people retain their hair longer than others for up to eight weeks before shedding.


What happens when the hair sheds after a hair transplant?

When the hair is shed you will probably feel a bit down as it looks like you haven’t had a hair transplant at all. This is called the period of doubt. Rest assured every single person who has had this treatment will go through this period of uncertainty. The question that pops into your head every time you look the mirror will be;

When will my transplanted hair grow?

This is quite upsetting and worrying as you have invested so much money and time into getting the procedure done. Now you want to see the results. You want to know:

Has my procedure been done correctly? Yes that’s what every patient deserves to know. The period of doubt lasts three to six months after your hair transplant surgery.This is called The Ugly Duckling Phase.


What happens after the hair has shed?

The hair has fallen out and a new cycle of hair growth begins. The transplanted hair has gone into a resting phase.Our expert FUE surgeon explains it like this. If you put 200 people to sleep in a hall will they all wake up at the same time? The obvious answer is no they won’t! Every person’s sleep rhythm is different and slowly but surely one by one they will all wake up.

This is exactly what happens with your hair. One by one ad sometimes together they start to grow! Hair will start to grow from three months on.

Have a look at some patient video diaries to help you understand the stages in your hair restoration journey.

How do I know my hair is growing?

Well this is an important question. You want to stop worrying knowing that your results are moving in the right direction. If your hair is growing you will notice tiny bumps on the surface of the skin where the hair follicles are trying to break out and grow.


When do I see my results?

At six months onwards your hair starts to grow and you should see 70% of your transplanted hair grown back.At nine months you have more density in the transplanted areas. You should be feeling positive now. Twelve months post surgery you should see a great improvement and the full results. There is still an improvement of 5 % in your growth.

Eighteen months after surgery you can now see all your transplanted hair.


I can’t see my results and it’s nearly a year after surgery what do I do?

If you can’t see your results at all and it’s nearly a year after surgery then very sadly something has gone wrong. Your hair transplant has been unsuccessful it appears. You should contact the surgeon to discuss why your surgery has not achieved the results you were promised. If you had surgery abroad or your surgeon is not contactable then next best thing to do is to arrange a consultation with a reputable surgeon. He will give you honest advice as to what your current position is. He will also advise on all options including rectifying the failed surgery. This may or may not be possible depending on how much hair is left in your donor area.


My hair is not growing after hair transplant surgery,What if my hair transplant didn’t work?

A failed transplant is very upsetting but there are always other options available. We are happy to advise all patients in any areas of worry or concern regarding hair not growing. Read more about your medico legal advice and options here.

We do carry out body hair transplants for those suitable patients who don’t have enough donor hair.


Patience is a virtue!

Please remember patience is very important as a hair transplant takes a whole year to show the results. Worrying doesn’t achieve anything. In fact more relaxed people have more success in hair surgery in our experience The best thing is to try to forget about your hair and let your hair grow. If you’re not happy with your results from a previous surgeon book a consultation with our expert FUE surgeon in his Hair Transplant Clinic London and we will be happy to help you! Have a look at patient journeys of hair transplants . so you know what to expect on your hair restoration journey. If you want to promote hair growth you can read more about the role of supplements here.

Thank you for reading this blog and please share! Contact us and visit our London Hair Clinic Harley Street.


The Business and Clinic Manager

London Hair Restoration Clinic

We are a prestigious, state of the art, modern FUE and FUT hair transplant restoration clinic in Harley Street London. Established since 2004 we pioneered and led modern hair transplant surgery, transforming thousands of patients lives and restoring self confidence. Our bespoke, natural looking results and artistry are available with our many hair restoration options including hair transplants, PRP stem cell therapy and hair loss medication tablets . We have the expertise to use body hair to restore thinning hair during transplantation .

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